The biggest threats to airport security in 2023
Airport security is perhaps the highest profile area of the security industry.

Huge strides have been made over the last couple of decades in this area, but the risk of complacence is so high that constant improvements must be made to meet the threats of both the present and the future.

For companies like who provide specially trained security guards and services to airports, tackling these threats is a huge responsibility. Only the very best in the security industry are trusted to protect airports due to the high stakes at play and the devastating risk of a security breach.

Some of the biggest threats to safety and security in the 2023 aviation industry includes:


Terrorism remains a significant threat to airport security.

Airport security was revolutionised in response to the events of 9/11 and the role of airport security officer changed forever. The devastating consequences of a single person gaining access to a terminal or an airplane with malicious intent are almost too terrible to consider, but it is the role of airport security to do just that, with measures in place to account for every possible outcome.

Access control is the key to effectively guarding against terror threats with biometric scanners, X-Rays, and metal detecting gates just some of the tools used to ensure that no-one is able to gain access to vulnerable areas without permission or carrying unidentified items.


Drug smuggling is big business, and the aviation industry has long been used by drug mules and dealers to transport their wares. Many innovative methods of transportation have been used to transport drugs on airplanes over the years so the security in place to prevent this trade must be just as innovative and versatile.

Security officers who are deployed in airports will often be accompanied by sniffer dogs who are higher trained to detect the scent of drugs about people and luggage. These units can also be trained to detect the scent of gunpowder and money.

Violence towards staff

Emotions can run high in airports with delayed flights and unforeseen complications resulting in frustrating or angry airline customers.

Violence towards staff is not uncommon, and it is vital that these key workers are protected and fell safe in the workplace. Protecting staff is a priority responsibility of security officers in any retail or service situation but even more so in the airport industry.

Cyber threats

Like any other industry in the modern world, digital technology is the foundation of the modern aviation world. From directing traffic to processing passports and verifying tickets airports run thanks to a sea of complex digital systems that must be kept operational at all times. A single breach could bring the airport grinding to a halt at best and seriously compromise passenger or staff safety at worst. It is just as important, therefore, that your airport cyber security is up to date as it is that your physical security is up to date.
